Hello There Spring! How Did You Sneak Up On Us So Quickly?

Hello there Spring! How did you sneak up on us so quickly?

The birds are singing, the sun is shining and the bikes are once again hitting the roads!
But, spring doesn’t automatically mean everything is happy and rosy (although it may temporarily feel like it!) I know I have fallen victim to this post-winter excitement. But, at the end of the day, if we don’t do some basic things for ourselves, we can also experience ‘summer blues’ as strong as in winter.

So, here are just a few things I like to keep in check and share with you all.

#1: Friendship

It's a fact. Good friends are essential for our health. They are here to help us celebrate all of our amazing achievements yet also provide support during stressful times.
Friends can help prevent loneliness and depression and provide an opportunity for companionship, too. And studies have shown that those with a strong social network have a reduced risk of major health problems.
So, who will you call today? I have a long list, myself!

friendship in namibia with sole

#2: Water (and Lots of It!)

This is an easy one! Aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses, which is about 2 liters, or half a gallon. To make sure you're hydrated, keep a refillable water bottle with you all day so you can constantly sip whenever you want. I like to dress up my water with lemon or cucumber slices. And as the weather heats up, fruits can also add to your water intake. I myself can’t live without my daily watermelon!

Juices are good too! And Fruit-flavored waters are also yummy

#3: YOGA (Need We Say More?!)

Those that know me, follow me, come to my classes and my retreats know how much I love to teach and help my students feel GOOD.
It is not about handstands or how 'bendy' you are. It is about moving and grooving and feeling amazing, head to toe!
If you can't make it to your studio, there are numerous online classes (many are free and some have small monthly fees) that will help you maintain your practice right from your cozy living room.
And do not think you need a full 90 minute lesson or it is not worth it.
Here is what I recommend if you only have 10-15 minutes (hold each posture with 3-5 breaths)

  • 5 sun salutations

  • Standing postures (each side) of triangle, warrior 2, reverse warrior and side angle pose.

  • Tree pose (each side)

  • Seated postures: Forward fold, seated tree, butterfly

  • Final rest

If you don’t like yoga or want something else, I also love mat pilates, barre classes and sometimes a combo of them all for all over strength! You will get to enjoy my hybrid classes on my retreats. You will feel great and strong, head to toe.

magical yoga session in namibia

#4: Gratitude

We hear this term often. But what exactly does it mean? What does it do for us?
Clearly, this is a longer conversation, but basically, gratitude allows us to celebrate the present. Gratitude magnifies the simple joys you get from life. And then, when we appreciate the value of something or someone, we can extract more benefits from it and we’re less likely to take it or them for granted.
Start with small steps.
Maybe today, bring some gratitude into your day rather than being thankful after something happens!

joy & gratitude is contagious!

#5: Healthy Foods: Try Introducing One New Food Per Week

So maybe you are feeling a little pressure now that warmer weather has arrived. There are so many ads for shorts and swimsuits, it can feel overwhelming to look a certain way. First, I believe EVERYONE has a bikini body! And I truly despise the ads on Instagram/Facebook/TikTok filled with detox plans, celery juice diets and fasting fads.  It all makes me crazy.
When we make drastic changes with our diets, it becomes more challenging to stick with a healthy plan.
I recommend introducing ONE healthy food or drink per week. Ease into it. Visit your local farmer’s market for some inspiration. But, we shouldn't go completely cold turkey with things that give us joy (I will not give up chocolate or gelato, ever!)

Yummy, Healthy, farm-totable meals in positano, italy

#6: Step Outside Your (Travel) Comfort Zone

Traveling is truly one of the very best ways to learn about ourselves and others. And sometimes we need to step outside of our comfort zones to do that. Travel is all about experiencing new things, cultures, people, food, etc.
I happen to believe life is too short and the world is just too big to not try and experience something you have always had on your mind!
Perhaps like riding a dromedary in the Sahara Desert, Oct 20-28, 2024 or experiencing a sensational safari adventure in exotic Tanzania Feb 10-19, 2025! And since we have been to so many of these exotic locations and have 11+ years experience under our belt, you can feel good about joining, especially if you are a single woman!

Shari of sole taking some curious dromedaries for a stroll

#7: Learn a New Skill

Are you still thinking about how to bake the perfect soufflé or conquering the piano or mastering a foreign language?
Maybe we shouldn't put too much pressure on ourselves.
Learning a new skill can be as simple as understanding basics of photography or decluttering your home or maybe starting a little herb garden.
What about making some fresh pasta with a local expert in Sardinia? Sometime when we travel it is the best to learn something exciting and new.

Making fresh pasta in sardinia, Italy with sole

#8: BOOK THAT WELLNESS or ADVENTURE RETREAT: There is No Better Gift to Give Yourself!

So, what are you waiting for?!
We have beach (SANTORINI, POSITANO), desert MOROCCO safari, TANZANIA and Luxury Mountain in SARDINIA
We can't wait to see you somewhere spectacular!

gorgeous elephant in namibia on sole’s original safari adventure retreat